You may be feeling low sometimes and high sometimes. You may be feeling very good sometimes and very depressed sometimes. Why does this happen? Many of you might be knowing it, it's a play of your mind. Your mind is the most powerful weapon you have. You have an option either you can cultivate your mind nurture it and make it your best friend or if it controls you, it will make you suffer throughout the beautiful journey of life. If a person facing difficult situations in life is not looking at things from a proper perspective then he will not grow in life. If the person is looking at a difficult situation as an opportunity for growth then his mind becomes his best friend. It is our responsibility to take care of our minds.
Enthusiasm and Inspiration are key Ingredients of success. Sometimes it happens that we feel we are not capable of doing this or that. Why does this happens ? It happens because we are missing something inside us. We are lacking of that inspiration and Enthusiasm inside us. How can we develop that Enthusiasm which is required? Enthusiasm is to be developed when we are inspired of a great purpose. When we are inspired of a great purpose then all difficulties coming in our path will seem as a small pebble and not as a big rock. Mr Soichiro Honda founder of Honda Automobile was a great personality who was inspired. He went through a lot of difficulties in his life and finally Honda Automobile was established.
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