When we visit a beautiful garden having flowers, does it feels better. It makes you much more calm and relaxed. Why does it happens? have you ever thought about it. Our lives are full of stress nowadays. Our life is our creation, this truth can't be denied. Life becomes very simple, easy and happy only if we follow certain things. speaking truth, helping others, taking responsibility, all these are great qualities but where does it originates from. These qualities ultimately arise from our thoughts and thoughts are produced by mind.
Now let's assume that our mind is a garder. If garden would have roses and lilies it will make the atmosphere beautiful but if the garden would be filled by garbage and weed it will stink. Our mind is very much like garden and we are very much like a Gardener, we have a option either to plant rose and lilies or throw garbage in our garden. Those who keep on complaining that I am very unhappy, my life has given me nothing, they are either not aware of this rule or not accepting it. We are solemnly responsible for everything in our life. We are responsible for our thoughts, actions and our success or failure.
Like any wise Gardner would do, we should plant beautiful flowers in garden and uproot all weed saplings growing. We must take great care of our mind because it is going to influence every aspect of life and play the most crucial role in our journey to success. Lord Buddha said, " We live in a mind made world." Poet John Milton said, " The mind in its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell and hell of a heaven...". All these aptly describe the tremendous power of mind.
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