We all go through life carrying different mindsets. We all have certain experiences of happiness, pain, joy, regrets etc in our life's but the most important thing is what we learn of these experiences. To simplify life and become joyful we should learn to get rid of unnecessary burden we always keep carrying in our mind's. The burden of negative thoughts, regrets, hatred etc becomes very very heavy after sometime, so we should learn to drop it.
we have options in our life either we can keep carrying the burden which becomes heavier day by day or simply drop it. If you keep on carrying this burden then it would become impossible for you to remain joyful. One more problem that we encounter during carrying this heavy burden is that it multiples rapidly. Simply by learning to drop these thoughts of hatred, jelesy, anger we can develop to a great deal. This can be done by slowly replacing them with positive thoughts, it will take time but after a certain period you will feel a drastic difference. Simply by doing small good, helpful acts you can speed up this slow process. These acts need not be a big one, ONE SMALL GOD ACT will create the difference which is invisible at starting. If we keep on doing doing small good acts and thinking positively, we will become a transformed person.
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