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Showing posts from September, 2019


When we visit a beautiful garden having flowers, does it feels better. It makes you much more calm and relaxed. Why does it happens? have you ever thought about it. Our lives are full of stress nowadays. Our life is our creation, this truth can't be denied.                                                                                                      Life becomes very simple, easy and happy only if we follow certain things. speaking truth, helping others, taking responsibility, all these are great qualities but where does it originates from. These qualities ultimately arise from our thoughts and thoughts are produced by mind.               Now let's assume that our mind is a garder. If ga...

Right mindset

Have you ever thought about the type of mindset you are having. Have you ever thought about the type of mindset our greatest leaders had. One of the top secret recipe of success is having the right mindset. Enlightened Buddha preached many things and laid great emphasis on cultivating the right mindset. Having wrong mindset will bring pain, frustration, greed, envy and what not but cultivating the right mindset will elevate you.                                                              If we would think that cause of our miseries is someone else, then are we on the wrong track. If we would think that 'I am very calm person but if someone abuses me and then if I become angry it's his fault ', were will it lead us to.                                ...

If you think you can

" If you think you are beaten, you are;   If you think you dare not, you don't. If you'd like to win, but you think you can't, It is almost a certain you won't. If you think you'll lose, you've lost; For out in this world we find Success begins with a person's will It's all in the state of mind. If you think you're outclassed, you are; You've got to think high to rise. You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win the prize. Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man; But sooner or later the person who wins Is the one who thinks he can!".                                                                                                                  ...

Try Try until you succeed

Have you seen a small baby who is trying to walk, a small boy learning to ride a cycle and anyone learning to swim. What happens in all these cases, do they all become successful in their first attempt or do they all fail in there first attempt. Failure is one of the best experiences from which we can learn. A person who at the sight of failure runs away can never become successful, failure is important for our. growth                                                                                                                                                                    ...

The blame game

Simple questions can change our life's, one of the simplest question's is " AM I RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING IN MY LIFE". Have you ever asked this question to yourself. One of the most important factor of growth, success, happiness etc is the ability to take responsibilities. A Responsible person can never become a failure in life, he may make mistakes but he will learn and keep on growing.                                                                                                                                                                             ...

The heaviest burden

We all go through life carrying different mindsets. We all have certain experiences of happiness, pain, joy, regrets etc in our life's but the most important thing is what we learn of these experiences. To simplify life and become joyful we should learn to get rid of unnecessary burden we always keep carrying in our mind's. The burden of negative thoughts, regrets, hatred etc becomes very very heavy after sometime, so we should learn to drop it.                                                                                                           we have options in our life either we can keep carrying the burden which becomes heavier day by day or simply drop it. If you keep on carrying this burden then it would bec...

Thinking better

Life is very simple as I believe but when things go wrong, some of us make a believe in themselves that life is not good it's painful. The more we simplefy our life better it becomes, the more we simplefy our thinking and improve the quality of our thoughts it becomes easier for us to live a happy life.     Our quality of life depended on the quality of thoughts we have have. If we have thoughts of hatred, anger, jelesy etc then our life will become miserable and we will never become happy or successful.                                                                                                    One single most powerful way to transform our life's are by bring positive thoughts again and again in our mind irrespective of t...

Life is simple

This life is the gift given to us by god. We are simply his creations blessed by him. We are here to unlock our potential, but for that we need to understand certain things. The more we understand life and the more we simplify it, better our life's become.                                                                                              We all have learned that we should always say truth but how many of us have  practiced it. Always being with truth is a great virtue and the best thing it offers is mental peace which can't be bought by spending any amount of money.                                                  ...